Since I was so busy at LauraPalooza I didn’t get the Roving Report podcasts done as I originally planned. Instead I did a report from home Sunday,
July 22, 2012. I just covered LauraPalooza in this one, but look for reports on my follow up trips to Walnut Grove MN and De Smet SD. I just mentioned some of the people who presented so find a full list of speakers and program names on the schedule.
Stream and listen from this website or download it from iTunes and take it with you. Also, I was having a problem with my mic and didn’t realize it during the July 2012 update, sorry about that it’s blank except for the theme music.
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Twitter and YouTube and Blog Talk Radio
Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Vice-President and Membership Chair
Thanks, Sarah!
Will you be posting the video diaries of Laurapalooza like you did last year? I hope so. I really enjoyed them.
Yes, I will. Since I had to do more behind the scenes I didn’t get quite a much filmed as last time and didn’t get them done during the conference. I’m finishing up a couple of other projects with more pressing deadlines and then I’ll start work on the videos very soon, probably this week.
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