This is the Cadillac of Laura Ingalls Wilder conferences.

William T. Anderson, Laura Ingalls Wilder and Ingalls family biographer


Remember when you fell hard for the Little House books, or found yourself caught up the exhilaration of discovering something new about Laura Ingalls Wilder for the very first time? That’s how it feels to be at LauraPalooza pretty much all the time.

Wendy McClure, author of The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie


LauraPalooza is a rich stew of warm, friendly people who love all things Laura Ingalls Wilder.  There’s amazing Laura knowledge in every corner, ready to be shared, and all built around respect for Laura values that are foundational to a humane and just society.  But mostly, it’s a lot of smiling, happy people, all glad to be together!

Dale Cockrell, Pa’s Fiddle Recordings


LauraPalooza is a loving celebration of all things “Little House.” It’s the ultimate conclave of Bonnet Heads. Really!

Dean Butler, “Almanzo Wilder” on Little House on the Prairie


I came to LauraPalooza for the unique combination of academic and fan perspectives on one of my favorite authors. I return for information you can’t get anywhere else and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Erin Blakemore, award-winning author, The Heroine’s Bookshelf


My whole life I have loved Laura Ingalls Wilder more than anyone I know. LauraPalooza was like coming home to a room full of kindred spirits, each person so unique and with so much to share about Laura, her family, and her time. My daughter had the exceptional experience of Camp Laura as well — many special memories and friendships were made!

Beth Nolan Conners, presenter at LP 2012, Massachusetts


I loved every second. Cannot wait until 2015!

participant, LP 2012