The legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder is too vast to even comprehend, and the number of people who have made contributions toward expanding or preserving this legacy over the last eight decades is equally unfathomable. Whether it be conducting research, working at a homesite, sharing Laura with classrooms full of children, authoring or publishing related books, donating items or money, sharing memories, or numerous other ways, we have a lot of people to thank for what we have available to enjoy today in the world of “Little House.”
So in 2010, we created the “Laura’s Legacy Award,” to be given each conference year to recognize individuals who have made a significant contribution toward preserving Laura’s legacy. The first recipient was researcher and biographer William T. Anderson.
We have selected two recipients of the 2012 Laura’s Legacy Award, and while their awards will be officially presented to them at the July 12 luncheon at Laurapalooza, we are pleased to announce their names to you at this time.
Barbara Walker, best known as the author of The Little House Cookbook, and Shirley Knakmuhs, who devoted 32 years in service at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, are the recipients of this year’s Legacy Award.
The Legacy Award is presented at a special awards luncheon during the LauraPalooza conference. As part of the presentation, we present a segment of photos and memories from fellow Laura fans who want to honor them. That’s where you come in. Search your memories, dig out your old photo albums, and write down what’s in your heart. We are seeking memories, photos, or letters of appreciation to these two wonderful ladies to be used during the award presentation luncheon. You do NOT need to be attending the conference to share something for the presentation. Please send them to by Friday, June 22.