Online Membership renewals and gifts – bookmark this page for January!
Welcome to, the online home of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, which has been in existence since 2009.
The LIWLRA has a blog, which includes contributions by board members and other guest posters and a Facebook page and Twitter handle. Every two or three years, we sponsor the LauraPalooza conference, the only national (worldwide, even) academic conference dedicated to Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Little House books. It was held in 2010, then 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019 and in 2022. Locations have included Mankato, Minnesota, Brookings, South Dakota, Springfield, Missouri and Onalaska, Wisconsin. In 2022, we were excited to bring the conference to Burlington, VT. And in July 2025, we are going to be in Sioux Falls, SD.
At the conference, we present Laura’s Legacy Award to notable figures in the Laura Ingalls Wilder community who have contributed significantly to preserving Laura’s legacy.
LIWLRA is an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our executive board members hail from all over the country, and members of the association come from all over the world. Membership runs January 1st – December 31st each year and anyone can join at any time.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association is the only group in the world that uniformly supports all of Laura’s homesites. We donated $1,000 in 2013, and again in 2016, to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum in Mansfield, Missouri, and we also donated $1,000 to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society in De Smet, South Dakota in 2016. In 2017, we made significant donations to Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder Association/Almanzo Wilder Farm (Malone, NY), Laura Ingalls Wilder Park and Museum (Burr Oak, IA), Little House on the Prairie Museum (Independence, KS), Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum (Pepin, WI), and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Tourist Center (Walnut Grove, MN).
We intend to make further donations to Laura’s homesites and other worthy Laura Ingalls Wilder projects in the future. We organize regular conferences that further scholarship about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. We have the support of longtime LIW authors and researchers, including William Anderson, who called our first LauraPalooza conference in 2010 “the Cadillac” of Laura Ingalls Wilder conferences.
If you love Laura and the Little House books, know this: we do, too. And we prove it year after year.
American Masters Explores the Cultural Legacy and Complicated History of Author Laura Ingalls Wilder in a Documentary on PBS
This year marks the 85th anniversary of the publication of “Little House on the Prairie”
Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page presents an unvarnished look at the unlikely author whose autobiographical fiction helped shape American ideas of the frontier and self-reliance. A Midwestern farm woman who published her first novel at age 65, Laura Ingalls Wilder transformed her frontier childhood into the best-selling “Little House” series. The documentary delves into the legacy of the iconic pioneer as well as the way she transformed her early life into enduring legend, a process that involved a little-known collaboration with her daughter Rose. Directed and produced by Emmy® Award winner Mary McDonagh Murphy (Harper Lee: American Masters), Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page is available nationwide (check local listings), and the PBS Video app. This year marks the 85th anniversary of the publication of “Little House on the Prairie” (1935).