Day 2 of the LauraPalooza conference was July 12, 2012. There are two videos for the general events of the day. I will also be doing a separate video for the Legacy Luncheon, but since that’s going to be more of a patchwork quilt I’m saving that one to tackle last.
LauraPalooza 2012 Day 2 Part 1
- T-shirt of the day brand new from the Loftus Store.
- Amy Lauters – Opening Address
- Elizabeth Nolan Connors: Laura and Louisa, Little House and Little Women
- Kay Weisman: What Would Laura Read? Youth’s Companion 1879
- Merchandise Table
- Barbara Mayes Boustead: Wilder Weather – What Laura Witnessed
LauraPalooza 2012 Day 2 Part 2
- Susan Thurlow: Dr. George Tann, Black Frontier Physician
- Greeting for Julie Williams
- Helen Gunnarson: The Legalities of Rose and Roger
- Pa’s Fiddle
PBS Preview Video
PBS Preview Video on YouTube - Authors Reception
- Amber Waves
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Twitter and YouTube and Blog Talk Radio
Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Vice-President and Membership Chair