I’m sharing with permission the FAQs listed on the back of the pageant program. I think they may be of use for people planning their trip. I’ve added a few notes of my own as Ed. note, moved the Emergency Weather to the top, added a couple of questions based on the website, and added links. Find more information on the Wilder Pageant website.
Q: What do I tune in for Emergency Weather Information?
A: For emergency information concerning the pageant, listen to KLGR (97.7 FM).
Q: Where is the Wilder Pageant Site?
A: The Pageant Site is located one mile west and half a mile south of Walnut Grove. (Ed. note:Â Off Highway 14, turn south on the road to the museum and take the first right. There is a huge sign. It’s a straight shot once you make the turn. – SSU)
Q: Is there camping nearby?
A: Plum Creek Park is a half mile sought of the Wilder Pageant site.
Q: How long does the Pageant lasts?
A: The Pageant starts at 9:00 pm and finishes about 11:00 pm. It starts late to enhance the lightning and special effects in the show. If you need assistance during the show, go to the concession stand. (Ed. note: Just plan on it being late and prepare accordingly. It’s worth it to stay to the end and don’t try to rush out afterward, there is a traffic jam as everybody tries to leave at once. – SSU)
Q: Do we need to get tickets in advance?
A: We recommend purchasing tickets in advance to get the best seating available. Reserved seating may sell out, depending on the date. General admission tickets are always available at the gate. Reserved seating consists of 1,000 numbered chairs that are directly in front of the stage, see chart. General admission is the hillside area surrounding the reserved seats. Bring your own chair or blanket for general admission. Check out the website for additional information. (Ed. note: Definitely go for the reserved seats. Consider buying an extra seat for the space because the chairs are welded together and don’t have a lot of wiggle room. Get your tickets as early as possible. It’s worth it to be close to the stage. But on a normal night you can still get chairs near the back at the last minute. While I would say pre-ordering tickets for the Walnut Grove pageant is near essential, at the Mansfield and De Smet pageants pre-ordering tickets isn’t nearly as important, doesn’t really give you an advantage, and you can just pick tickets up at gate on your way in. – SSU)
Q: How do we order tickets?
A: Tickets may be ordered by phone at 888-859-3102 or online. There is a handling charge of $2.00 per order.
Q: What time do we need to be at the Pageant?
A: If you have reserved seats, you can arrive anytime between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. the seats are numbered, and the ushers will show you to your chairs. General admission is first-come, first-served, so it would be to your advantage to arrive between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm to get your first choice of spot on the hill. (Ed. note: If you do come once the Pageant Singers have started preforming and are not handicapped, please be courteous and walk around behind the chairs and down instead of across the sidewalk right in front of them, blocking everybody’s view. – SSU)
Q: Is there a special price for children?
A: Children ages 5 and under are free in general admission. Reserved seats are $14.00 per chair for all ages.
Q: What if it rains?
A: Refunds are available if Act One is not completed. You may return your tickets for a refund or exchange them for a later date. We make every effort to complete the show, and we ask the audience to prepare for all kinds of weather. To get a refund, send ticket stub and self-addressed envelope within 30 days of the performance to :
Wilder Pageant Committee
P.O. Box 313
Walnut Grove MN 56180
There have only been three rainouts since the Pageant started in 1978.
Q: Are the reserved seats handicapped-accessible?
A: Yes. There is a sidewalk that leads from the Pageant entrance to the front row of reserved seating. We reserve the front row of the yellow section for handicapped seating.
Q: Where is lost and found?
A: Check the Concession Stand or the Control Booth for lost or found items.
Q: How many people attend the pageant?
A: Here is a chart showing attendance from first year through last year.
Q: Are there special group rates?
A: Yes, learn more here.
Q: How can I keep up to date with pageant news?
A: Connect with the Pageant on Facebook.
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Facebook, Twitter , YouTube, Blog Talk Radio, Google+, LinkedIn, and Academia.edu Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Acting President
What are the dates for the 2014 pageant?
The 2014 dates are July 11-12, 18-19, 25-26, 2014. The 25-26 is the 40th Anniversary Reunion of the NBC Little House on the Prairie TV Show cast. http://www.walnutgrove.org/
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