“Put It On Paper” is the name of an exhibit at the Michigan Historical Museum in Lansing, Michigan. Barbara Mayes Boustead gave us a heads up about this as she attempted to access The Long Winter manuscript held by the special collections of the Detroit Public Library after LauraPalooza last year. The museum has now published a blog post talking about Laura’s part in the exhibit with a few photos. (See their press release.) Michigan’s Tourism Bureau is also promoting it. While not as exciting as the Michigan exhibit two years ago, I think this would be one worth a trip. Directions to the Museum and if anybody does make it, we’d love a report. The exhibit will be up until (somewhat ironically) August 25, 2013.
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Twitter and YouTube and Blog Talk Radio
Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Vice-President and Membership Chair