We are setting up committees to manage the work of planning and executing a conference.  We are all volunteers and we appreciate helping hands! In particular, we are looking for people with interests and expertise in:   

  • Registration (working at the table to help people get checked in) 
  • Silent Auction (set-up, tear-down, sitting in the area during bidding, and finding bid winners after they are announced) 
  • Field trip to Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and Wayside Cabin in Pepin (assist with onsite logistics) 
  • Social media (live-tweeting the meeting, taking pictures to post on Twitter and Facebook) 

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these committees and activities, please contact LIWLRA President, Dr. Barb Boustead, who will coordinate all of our volunteers: windbarb@gmail.com 
One last call for people:  We are looking for published authors and illustrators of Wilder-inspired work who may wish to participate in an authors’ signing session.  If you would like to have a table for selling your books and signing autographs, go here.