To apply to be on the board or to nominate someone else (please check that they’d be willing to serve first), you can use the online form below or print, scan, and then email the Board Nomination Form. (We can provide a physical address if you’d prefer to mail or fax the form.)
This form lets us know what skills and ideas you or your nominee would bring to the board.
Please be sure your nominee is aware of the nomination. It is flattering to be nominated, but, understandably, not everyone can commit.
For an idea of what being a board member entails, scroll down to the bottom of this page.
NOTE: There is a perpetual need for people who are comfortable with social media and/or technology. We’re always glad to hear from those with these skills at beyondlittlehouse at gmail dot com even if you don’t feel you can commit to being a board member.
Board Member Requirements:
Currently board members meet once a month via conference call (accessed by dialing a specific toll-free number). Meetings are scheduled at the most convenient times for all board members, with an eye to differing time zones and daily schedules. Meetings are fairly informal, but do follow normal meeting procedures (motion, second, etc.), but if you are unfamiliar with this system it is fairly simple to pick up. We keep it to the basics. Meetings are scheduled for one hour and normally we hold to that, but occasionally we run long. Members are expected to either attend meetings or to send notice to the board you won’t be there. As conference approaches meetings may be more frequent as necessary.
Agendas are sent out before the meetings and notes are published after the meetings. Both come to board members via e-mail.
Board members also frequently have discussions and sometimes decide issues by e-mail, so regular email checks are expected. Discussions can also happen in private Facebook groups.
Since the LIWLRA’s inception board members have taken on additional duties, and while voluntary, new members need to be open to taking on these roles, especially as conference time approaches. While there are always the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, other roles are taken on (Membership Chair, Merchandise Chair, and of course Conference Chair) as needed.
Heading into a conference year, planning usually begins twelve months before the conference. Board members either lead a sub-committee or work on one, and specific planning is often diverted to these subcommittees, who communicate in a way that best fits the makeup of the committee. Conference meetings will be more frequent as conference approaches.
In addition board members split various upkeep duties according to their skills and comfort:
- Checking for and approving comments on the blog
- Checking for and answering messages, also public comments on Facebook page
- Writing blog posts
- Taking and sharing photos of any Laura event you might attend, and writing it up
What we’re looking for in a good board member:
Responsible people who believe in promoting and preserving Laura Ingalls Wilder’s legacy and the importance of getting things right.
People with technical expertise (website maintenance, computer knowledge, Facebook use, etc.), or the simple willingness to learn.
People with specific expertise that would benefit a nonprofit (financials, marketing, etc.).
People who are dedicated to understanding and abiding by the rules in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws (as we have now achieved our official 501c3 nonprofit status).