One of the limits of this blog is that truly organic discussions, no matter how pertinent or thoughtful, can so easily get left behind. I’d love to explore an alternative to comments that would keep discussions dynamic, interesting, and front-and-center. In the meantime, I’ll take a moment to point you back to the synopsis of Chapter 27, For Daily Bread. We’re up to 22 comments now. If you haven’t weighed in or seen what your fellow Little House fans have to say, you’re missing some pretty thoughtful discussion.
A lot of the discussion revolves around Cap Garland. A commenter tried unsuccessfully to post a link to a Cap Garland web site; I suspect it’s probably this one.
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I was the unsuccessful poster and yes that is the link. Thanks!!! 🙂
Random untested ideas:
Add a small-font Tag Index at the page top, so browsing the whole lore selection is at fingertips?
(wasn’t this going to be the A-Z Almanac At Last site ; )
Pair it more prominently, same color, with the Search box and Recent Comments box?
Browsing, reading, and posting would be less off-putting and repetitive, while more on-going and expansive.
It would be easier to fact-check first, or locate and include links to other relevant threads.
It would focus the posting and archive a little more, instead of a Search returning never-ending new threads about the Little Shepherdess, mostly repeating the same questions and answers.
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