De Smet, Dakota Territory, was the setting for By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, and The First Four Years.
Contact Information:
Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society
P.O. Box 426
De Smet, SDÂ 57231
Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society — the official Wilder museum in De Smet
Ingalls Homestead — The Ingalls homestead claim is privately owned and operated as a hands-on living history experience.
Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant — Watch the Ingalls family come to life in this little pageant on the prairie.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library — This site provides information on the town of De Smet in the 1880s, the time period of the “Little House” books
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier Girl — includes video tours of the historic Wilder sites
De Smet Tourism
Prairie House Manor — the home of Banker Ruth, mentioned in the Little House books, has been converted into a bed and breakfast
De Smet Lodging — Planning a trip to De Smet and need a place to stay? Click here for lodging information in the De Smet area. (Provided by Google Maps.)
De Smet Restaurants — restaurant information in the De Smet area, provided by Google Maps
Laura Ingalls Wilder Was beautiful and so brave to be one of the first with her family and I have those cool books the whole 9 books and am still reading them I am now in the 5th book By The Shores Of Silver Lake! I also have the TV series the whole box set but I was so sad of how they did not did her story correctly at all it is all twisted up! If I was a movie TV writer I would of done it as closest I could from her books! Why did the writer of the TV show twist it so? And if Laura could talk from the grave she would be very upset on how the stories were not the right stories! I was born Jan. 13 1957, And Laura Died Feb. 10 1957! Just a few days shy of almost 90 years and one month to the exact day I was born! and it would of been like if she was a part of me or I her! Reading her books I fell in love with the whole family, And Mary I thought really married Adam Kendle and she never married at all! And it is sad to say That TV series showed Marry she was not brave and was so angry cause she went blind where in the book says something of a very brave little girl and never was angry! If any of her family blood alive they could of Sued Hollywood for the complete disgracing her family! How did Hollywood get away with the lies of this wonderful God fearing family? Or make true Christians redo the whole show and movie to give them their true lives and how they were very brave and sure some times complained but they always corrected them selves so bravely Is there going to be a good better show ever to fix this? I pray that every one that reads those nice books that they will think that the TV shows were not real! I thought is was really true! Until I really looked into this and reading her books! Thank you so much for showing us all the real Ingalls family! May God Bless all who read her books!
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