Sometimes don’t you wish that tracking people’s communication today was as easy as watching those telegraph lines Laura described swoop by the train windows? There is just so much out there online and off that it can be hard to track so this is a reminder of all the places you can find us. Everyone is so busy that while we don’t mean to play hide and seek, sometimes it seems that we do.
First, don’t forget to check this blog. It was set up originally as our first string of communication and while communication opportunities have expanded, we still try to keep our blog readers informed with the most in-depth information.
Second, you can find us on Facebook as both a Page (Beyond Little House) and as a group (LauraPalooza). The BLH page is our go to for sharing news and information so please make sure you’ve liked it. The LauraPalooza Facebook group was started to help share and communicate about the conference (anyone who is a Laura fan can join whether you’ve made it to one of the conferences or not, but realize a lot of conference talk takes place there). We set up one group for the first conference calling it LauraPalooza 2010 then when the second conference promotion began we started a new group. After this conference though we realized rather than start over we could just rename the group, so the conference group is LauraPalooza. LauraPalooza 2010 is largely abandoned so make sure you’ve joined the current one, if you are interested in anything conference related.
Third, find us on Twitter. We’re not the chattiest people there, but in addition to giving heads up about blog posts (which we also do on the BLH Facebook page) we also seek out tweets that mention Laura and have stumbled upon and shared some interesting things that way. We hope you’ll join the conversation.
Fourth, find us on LinkedIn. Although Laura is fun, there is also a serious side and this group gives Laura fans on LinkedIn a place to discuss and to find one another (you can connect to each other when you have a group in common). So far it’s still a fairly small group, but we’d welcome your participation.
Fifth, coming out of the last conference one of the things that was glaringly apparent was that we needed to improve communication. That our efforts (designed to be low cost) were putting too much of an expectation that members would check the blog for information they needed. Also, we wanted to create a communication that would be members only as an additional benefit of actually joining. We’re still experimenting on that front, but members have gotten several e-mail newsletters this year.
Thanks for finding us online and we hope to see more of you.
Sarah S. Uthoff blogs at TrundleBed Tales; look for her on Facebook, Twitter , YouTube, Blog Talk Radio, Google+, LinkedIn, and Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association, Acting President
Hi Sarah,
Just wanted to say thanks for all of this information! I have been a little lost when trying to figure out where everyone is, and how to keep in contact, and this post putt it all neatly in one spot.
I will be heading now to Facebook to join and like the Beyond Little House page! Yay!
I sent an email to the BLH gmail address several months ago regarding ways I can help with next year’s conference, but have not received any response. Today’s post doesn’t seem to indicate exactly what the best mode of communication is for those of us looking to help with the next LauraPalooza. Could you clarify for members? Thanks!
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