Hello all!
I am finally back in my office after a long drive home from South Dakota. Matt and I (and Timber) managed to squeeze in a trip to De Smet on the way home (“On the Way Home”! We even crossed the Missouri River, and Matt, the farmer, noted crop conditions) and had a lovely time at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society and at Ingalls Homestead before turning south and west toward our home in Colorado.
I’ve come home with a substantial to-do list that I’m eager to begin tackling. Thanks to the member meeting, the LIWLRA has a better idea of what members want and need, so that will be our first priority. We will be preparing email communication, debriefing on the LauraPalooza conference, and providing a treasury report. We will also be providing an online evaluation form for those who were unable to do the written one.
Please stay tuned.
Thank you to everyone who made the conference a success. We plan to do an even better job of everything in 2015–whether it is done by the existing board or an entirely new team–and we will work with the LIWLRA membership the whole way.
I am proud to be a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, and I am proud to have served on the board of the LIWLRA for the past three years. This is only the beginning of what we can do.
Thank you to you and the rest of the board for an awesome time! Laurapalooza exceeded my expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it 🙂 I think my hubby even enjoyed it although he would never admit it! Lol. Looking forward to 2015!
Hi Julie- I’m so glad I got to meet you and Dan. Obviously you made it home safely. I’m still planning to find you on Facebook. Hope to see you and Dan in 2015. I told Fred (my husband) that he’s going with me next time! Valerie
Yes, thank you also to everyone who helped put all this on! LauraPalooza was really one of the highlights of my life! So many interesting presentations, but meeting all the wonderful people was the best. And, to the children who attended Camp Laura – I am so grateful to have met you all and to do the activities with you. I know you kids had a wonderful time, too! Remember – you are very special! I am looking forward to seeing you again in 2015 (or, if not then, maybe some year in the future)!
P.S. I think from now on I am going to go by the name Julie Frances. (Frances is my middle name.) This will help to avoid confusion with Julie Welch. Is that OK, Julie W.?
Once again it was a great time. Thanks to all who worked so hard on it.
Thank you, Sandra, Amy, Sarah, (and Jonni–although not there in person, I’m sure in spirit) and all the presenters and volunteers for your hard work and time commitment. It was marvelous. What a wonderful experience you made for the rest of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sandra it was definitely wonderful. The presenters were exciting, Camp Laura was wonderful, and everything appeared just amazing!! We had so much fun. 🙂
Three cheers for LauraPalooza #2! What a great time. Sad that it is all behind us but,looking forward to 2015 and beyond. Had a great time visiting with the Laura “Breakfast Club” before we headed home on Sunday morning. Thanks to all who worked so hard.
Wow! What a wonderful experience! I read all the LHOP books as a child but never went further as an adult. Thank you for offering this conference. To all of you who worked hard and planned: it is appreciated! I hope to see you all in 2015!!
Wish I could’ve gone … sob!
Naomi: with you on that one! Sandra, everyone – it sounded AMAZING via twitter / facebook etc – an incredible job for a bunch of volunteers to put all this together. Can’t wait for 2015 and am making it a goal to offer some help next time around, if there’s anything I could do, towards all the work needed to make it such a fabulous success! So glad my wise mother insisted – over my strong 8-year-old denials – that I would LOVE these books if I just gave ’em a try.
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