Our read-along is taking the slow train through the Tracy cut, but it is coming.
Got a chapter in mind that you’d love to cover? Feel compelled to document when the family decides to crowd into the kitchen? (“No Trains”) Or dig into Laura’s second point-of-view change in “Seed Wheat”? How about talking about Ma’s button lamp in “Where There’s a Will”? I just swooped in and took the Christmas chapter. (But if anyone really, really wants to do it, I’ll gladly give it up.)
Comment on this post with the chapter you’d like to write about. The more we have set up, the faster we can go. Remember, February is a short month, and March will be spring!
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I’ll do “No Trains” and “Four Days’ Blizzard” if they’re not taken 🙂
Sure thing, Erin!
I can do “Where There’s A Will” if it is still open.
Awesome! Just let me know how…
Hey Sandra
Put me anywhere.
Email your post (and any corresponding photos if you have them) to beyondlittlehouse at gmail dot com. Whenever you have it done, just send it in, even if it’s out of order. We’ll take care of posting them.
Could I do Chapter 22?
I’ll do another one too. I couldn’t decide which one, so just put me where you want me.
You can put me down for Ch 21 (The Hard Winter) and Ch 31 (Waiting for the Train).
Hello —
If they’re not taken, I’ll do 16 (Fair Weather), 24 (Not Really Hungry) and 27 (For Daily Bread).
Love that this got me reading these books again — and I recently found my original paperbacks in a box at my parents’ house, so I’m reading the same books I read as a girl! (Harper Trophy paperbacks, $2.50).
I’ll pick up Cold and Dark (Chapter 22) if it isn’t aslready taken. (I should’ve said something about The Hard Winter, because I wrote that one before I signed up for it and now I’m too late LOL!)
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